
cost of living

The cost of living

The cost of living is preventing women from fleeing domestic abuse Almost all survivors (96%) responding had seen a negative impact on the amount of money available to them as a result of cost of living increases.  Two thirds (66%) of survivors told us that abusers are now using the cost of living increase and […]

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Zara Aleena’s name should have been everywhere this week, so why wasn’t it?

Zara Aleena‘s name should have been everywhere this week, so why wasn’t it?   Blog by chief executive of Women’s Aid, Farah Nazeer When Wayne Couzens horrifically kidnapped, assaulted and murdered Sarah Everard, the story was inescapable. National front page after national front page featured Sarah’s image and story. Infographics tracked her route home; CCTV

Zara Aleena’s name should have been everywhere this week, so why wasn’t it? Read More »

The conversation on consent: Our work with Netflix's Anatomy of a Scandal to inspire change

The conversation on consent: Our work with Netflix’s ‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ to inspire change

The conversation on consent: Our work with Netflix’s ‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ to inspire change   By Farah Nazeer, chief executive of Women’s Aid: We welcomed the government’s recent announcement of a new 24/7 Sexual Violence Support Service to victims in England and Wales, and we are pleased that our colleagues at Rape Crisis will

The conversation on consent: Our work with Netflix’s ‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ to inspire change Read More »

Women’s Aid welcomes funding and support for domestic abuse survivors

Women’s Aid welcomes funding and support for domestic abuse survivors, announced today by the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing.   Isabelle Younane, head of policy, campaigns and public affairs at Women’s Aid, said: “Women’s Aid welcomes this much-needed funding to ensure that refuges are equipped to provide life-saving support for survivors, including healthcare,

Women’s Aid welcomes funding and support for domestic abuse survivors Read More »

Criminalisation of coercive control reaches six-year anniversary

Criminalisation of coercive control reaches six-year anniversary  Women’s Aid campaigned for landmark legislation  Today marks the six-year anniversary of landmark legislation which established coercive and controlling behaviour as a criminal offence in the Serious Crime Act 2015 of England and Wales.  Isabelle Younane, head of policy, campaigns and public affairs at Women’s Aid, said:   “Coercive control is at

Criminalisation of coercive control reaches six-year anniversary Read More »

Women’s Aid welcomes the VAWG Policing Framework for Delivery

Women’s Aid welcomes the VAWG Policing Framework for Delivery

Women’s Aid welcomes the VAWG Policing Framework for Delivery   Women’s Aid welcomes the new delivery framework, which aims to coordinate and standardise the policing of violence against women and girls (VAWG). We particularly welcome Maggie Blyth’s, National Police Lead for VAWG’s, engagement with Women’s Aid and the wider VAWG sector on this essential document.   The inclusion of the explicit requirement for forces to “engage safely with – and seek the views of

Women’s Aid welcomes the VAWG Policing Framework for Delivery Read More »

Image with the Deserve To Be Heard logo and message

The reality of the barriers to mental health support

Survivors deserve to be heard: The reality of the barriers to mental health support A Safe Blog by Lizzie McCarthy and Jenny Birchall, Women’s Aid 6th December 2021: Today, Women’s Aid has published two reports as part of our Deserve To Be Heard campaign. This campaign aims to highlight the devastating impact of domestic abuse on the mental health of women

The reality of the barriers to mental health support Read More »

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