What we do 

We save lives

Supporting survivors

We work to ensure women are believed, know abuse is not their fault and that their experiences have been understood.

Campaigning for change 

With our supporters, we call on the government to tackle the causes and consequences of domestic abuse.

Supporting our members

As a federation of over 180 organisations, we provide almost 300 local lifesaving services to women and children..

We educate and inform 

Training and qualifications

Our unrivalled expertise will equip you with the tools to understand and respond effectively to domestic abuse

Our research

We conduct research projects on key issues to ensure that we are leading the way in evidence and data on domestic abuse.

Safe blog

The online home for the latest research and initiatives in the domestic abuse sector.

We support the sector 

Do you work with survivors?

We have a wealth of resources, training and support for those in the domestic abuse sector.

Do you commission services?

We have developed tools and resources for commissioners for domestic abuse services.

On Track

On Track is all about using data to strengthen domestic abuse services and improve outcomes for survivors

We raise awareness 

Come Together To End Domestic Abuse 

As Women’s Aid heads towards its 50th birthday, we are asking everyone to Come Together to End Domestic Abuse.

Football United

We are asking the footballing community to join with us to make a positive difference now to raise awareness and reduce the amount of domestic violence in the future.

Change That Lasts

Change That Lasts was a five-year project exploring how a whole system approach can ensure all survivors get the right response to domestic abuse the very first time.

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